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Korbanth TFU2, Weathered and Installed by Lucky Sabers

Original price was: $500.00.Current price is: $450.00.

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This was the Korbanth 2020 model. I took a slightly different approach to this Galen Marek Saber. Heavily battle damaged and distressed, it has been chemically weathered and sealed with a polymer. The Handle has been wrapped in leather from Defconbird. The chassis is from Goth3D courtesy of KR. This saber has been installed with Proffie V2.2, has a 24mm speaker, removable battery, kill switch, Shtok PCB and uses a 1 inch blade. The OS is 6.7 and features a 2 button Fett263 configuration with gesture control and color wheel. This saber is loud, fun, and comes with 2 Starkiller sound fonts (yes i purchased extra licenses). A great saber for a StarKiller fan!





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